Pokemon??? well, if you insist...

Ok i've not had too many pokemon fans here but when you look at the creatures themselves, they would make quite good tats as far as i can see :D


Or Charizard? (In your own colours)

Naruto fans?

Are you a fan of Naruto? I have got a couple of pics for you too don't worry!
(she's my fave)

Also if you'd like a more simple Konoha design here it is

Studio Ghibli

I just realised that some of the best anime characters are in film, so how about some of them too?

Like Princess Mononoke?

Or Chihiro?

They are all amazing, i am working hard on more designs, if you have any designs of your own you can scan them to me and i will tell you if they are possible.


I have had many requests about the anime bleach, so i have sat down and read a lot of the manga to try and get a good feel for the designs. Here's a few of them for you

I tried to get a lot of variety in these designs regarding the characters, you like?

Kanji Characters

I have many Kanji characters available for customers now for example:



And To burn
These are just a few of the designs i have, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions

About me

Hello, my name i Nathan and i own a tattoo parlor in London. A few months ago i had a customer come into my shop with a picture of an anime character, and i was intrigued. This was a picture of a girl with long blue hair and I'd never worked on something like that before. We got chatting and at the end of the day i saw that there was a gap in the market for the anime fans who wanted to permanantly show how much they love their shows to the world.
So here I am, and i am going to take ideas from you and then post my designs on this site. As another incentive, I am offering discounts to any followers of my blog.
Peace and Love

p.s. Here's the original tat.